d1000 random WFRP encounters (2024)

D1000 Random Warhammer Fantasy Encounters

A Note About Use: There is a wide variety of encounter types. Many will likely just be a little background texture for your scene. A fair amount are social encounters of some kind. Some are possible storyhooks or combat encounters. I have tried to keep them vague enough that they could be dropped in nearly anywhere. Some will need to be in a settlement or on the road, but with a little tweaking might fit anywhere. You roll a bandit ambush while the party is in the middle of Altdorf? Maybe they are jumped by thugs in an alley instead of a forest ambush. Or just roll again!

1 -Jakob, an old man with wild grey hair and a bit of a stoop is traveling from town to town with five trained small dogs (schnauzers). He has various props like hoops and ramps as well as a miniature table and chairs which the dogs sit at as if they were people. He has a small cart pulled by a nag of a mule. A girl of eleven, Ilsa, either his daughter or his granddaughter, travels with him and does much of the work. Jakob travels widely and is a notorious gossip, so can be a good source of information.

2 -On the side of the road is a small shrine to Sigmar. The shrine is a one-foot-thick wooden wall with a small roof over it with a wooden carving of sigmar protruding from the wall. A handful of scraps of parchment bearing prayers are tacked to the wall. Various offerings lie at the foot of the shrine: Fresh cut grain, flowers, a woven cord bracelet, a wooden carving of a boy, etc. A wooden bowl contains a d6 brass pennies.

If examined closer, the center panel of the shrine, the one bearing the image of Sigmar, is latched in place. It can be removed and flipped around. The other side (normally hidden within the wall) bears a wooden carving of a man in a cloak wearing a grin. A crow rests on his shoulders and a cat rests near his feet. It can only be Ranald.

3 -The party finds a cart on the side of the road that has been overturned and lit ablaze (Was it some time ago? Or is it still burning?). The horse that was pulling the cart has been killed and much of its meat removed. The corpse of the cart driver can be found in the bushes nearby. If the party examines the contents of the charred cart they find it was carrying a number of bundles of lucky charms. Most of them have been burned or melted together, but they do manage to find 3d10 lucky charms that survived the fire intact. They do not work, but don’t tell the players that.

4 -A raven seems to be following one member of the party. And now that he thinks of it he has been having some bad dreams lately. Probably best to consult a priest of Morr.

5 - A flyer (or a passerby) announces that a nearby town is being overrun with rats (just normal sized rats, not skaven or anything). They are offering a big reward to anyone who can get to the bottom of the huge influx of rats.

6 -A judicial duel is taking place between a man and a woman. She has accused him of marrying her only so he could sell off her livestock and disappear with the money. He has accused her of casting a spell upon him.

The man stands in a waist-deep hole and is armed with a club. The woman is armed with a large stone in a burlap sack. She swings it at him while he tries to catch the sack and drag her toward the hole so he can club her.

The whole thing is presided over by a traveling magister appointed by the local graf. He is accompanied by two guards and a clerk.

7 -A big family of kislevite refugees in a covered wagon. The grandmother is a skilled fortune teller and will tell fortunes with rune stones for six pennies. She speaks almost no reikspiel, but her son can translate.

8 -An aged bretonnian knight and his young squire are traveling the Empire. In addition to the horses they ride, the knight also has a fine war horse in tow. They each wear a yellow and red tabard with a black lion on it. They each only speak a little Reikspiel but are apparently on some sort of quest.

9 -A gaggle of sigmarite zealots and fanatics pass the party. Each of them has the palm of their left hand painted an orangish red. They hold the hand up to the sky with their thumb pressed against the side of their hand and their fingers split, two to each side, so that it resembles a twin tailed comet falling to earth. A lay preacher with wild orange hair named Anders tries to draw the party into a conversation about the coming of a second comet that will wipe the sinful from the world and bring the righteous to Sigmar's side.

10 -The party comes across a small local turnip festival. Prayers are given to Rhya. A giant pot of turnip stew is cooked in the largest cauldron the PCs have ever seen. There are foot races and dancing, etc.

11 -The party meets a jovial traveling sigmarite friar named Krieger. He has a big beard and closely cropped hair. He is missing a couple of teeth and has a large belly. He is genuinely friendly and likable. If they agree to share their rations with him he will bless them all.

12 -The party stumble across a big boar with eight tusks growing out of its head at different angles. It looks tired and is bleeding from a recent wound. M - 6, W - 11, A - 1, SB - 4, TB - 5, WS - 46. Special rule - To the bitter end -The boar gets one final attack after any critical that would kill it, unless they use some weapon that would physically prevent it (halberd, boar spear, etc. A regular spear is not good enough.).

13 -The party encounters a ragged man in ragged clothes. He insists that he is the goblin warchief Grumbl’buk and that he has done terrible things. He insists on confessing the tales of his many horrible raids against human settlements. He begs them to take him to the authorities and turn him in.

14 -A wounded bounty hunter stumbles out of the bushes. He has taken an arrow through the arm, which now hangs limp. His name is Dieter, and he tells the PCs that he and his partner tracked three infamous bandits to a wooded hill nearby, but they were ambushed. His partner was killed. He needs to retrieve a locket from his partner for the man’s widow. He will give the PCs half of the 50 gold crown bounty if they help him capture the bandits.

Dieter has a sword and a net and a sap.

15 -Three trees have been stripped of their limbs for their first fifteen feet. Each has a corpse nailed to it with thick iron stakes. Two of the corpses have visible mutations; one has a series of small tentacles sprouting from his neck and chest, the other has a hooked beak where his mouth should be. Above them a board is nailed to one of the trees. In big red letters is written ‘THE FRUITS OF CHAOS’. The sight is horrific and the smell is atrocious. Make anyone who approaches within even a moderate distance, pass an easy (+20) Willpower test or gain an insanity point.

16 -Six mounted road wardens halt anyone passing by. They are on the lookout for a group of mutants and cultists. They will make the men remove their shirts. Then pat everyone down looking apparently looking for hidden mutations. They pay very close attention to any tattoos anyone has. They will ask if they have seen anyone or anything suspicious. As long as they don’t find anything and no one refuses their demands, they will let them continue on their way.

17 -A young reikland fop in stylish clothing approaches one of the party members. In a hushed tone he asks “Have you ever owned a dog that was born in Wurtbad?”. Whatever they reply he will stare for a moment and then ask, “ . . . Are you sure?”. He will linger for a minute nervously and then hurry away.

18 -The party runs into eight halflings who are camping along the side of the road. They are drunk on brandy. They are happy to share their brandy and the cheese and sausage they are eating. They insist on referring to everyone in the party as Lars. They start to refer to each person by the name Lars with a number after it. “Some more brandy, Lars number two?”. Each time it sends the halflings into a fit of drunken giggling. One of the halflings will continuously try to tell a joke he can’t remember. “The grand theogonist, a big ogre mercenary and an elf prostitute with a slight limp walk into a tavern . . . and then, ummm . . . there is a problem with the tab? Or maybe there’s a kislevite sleeping somewhere . . . anyways, something hilarious happens!”

19 -Road wardens are dragging a poacher out of the woods. He is manacled, and sobbing that he only did it to feed his family. He begs them to be merciful. One of the road warden carries the two pheasants that the man killed.

20 -A small town is in complete turmoil. A piglet named Lil’ Magnus who was blessed by Shallya with a birthmark in the shape of a dove has gone missing. The little pig had brought the town great prosperity as people flocked from many miles around. It was said if you feed the piglet and apple Shallya would answer any prayer. But now that the piglet is missing the town is being torn apart by greed and suspicion. Neighbor is accusing neighbor. Werner Kerzung is the mayor. He is a tall man with a bit of a paunch and a greying beard. He is well dressed considering the area. He is offering a 20 gold crown reward to anyone that can recover the piglet. He talks slowly and is rather despondent about the whole thing. He just had his wildest dreams realized for a very brief time and then snatched away. “Yes, you’ve come to the right man . . . I am offering a twenty crown reward. But . . . it doesn’t matter anyways. I’m sure you won’t find Lil’ Magnus anyway.”

21 -The party comes to a large clearing beside the road. There are fifteen wagons organized in a loose circle. A handful of men are posted around the edges guarding. Many have bandanas and big hoop earrings and they are armed with a wide variety of weapons. They are clearly Strigany. They will not let anyone enter the camp (unless someone happens to be strigany).

If the PCs set up a camp nearby (there is plenty of space it is a very large clearing), a Strigany girl will approach them and offer to tell their fortunes with tarot cards for five pennies. Her name is Florica. She is pretty and charming and just straddling the fence between childhood and womanhood. She is accompanied by a BIG strigany man who appears unhappy about the situation. He wears a long curved dagger. He keeps his arms crossed and glares at them constantly.

If the party are kind to her she may invite them back to the Strigany camp.

22 -The party encounter several dozen people who are on a ‘crusade to Marienburg’. There are a fair number of fanatics, but there are plenty of regular folk; tradesmen, farmers and even a few soldiers. They say they are marching toward the Reik where a flotilla of boats and rafts are gathering because of the prophetic visions of a man named Wilhelm Hubert. He is not amongst the crowd, but they become excited any time someone mentions his name. His visions told him that if he gathered a great collection of the faithful and sailed them to Marienburg he could reunite it with the Empire and make the Empire whole again, in the name of Sigmar.

23 -There is a large fish hanging above the road. It is tied to the branch of a tree by a rope. What could it mean?

24 -The party hears a loud explosion off to one side of the road. If they explore further they find a circle of strange standing stones. They have been overgrown with bushes, but all of the bushes in the center seem to have been recently singed by fire. The entire place reeks of curdled milk.

25 - There is a roadblock manned by three road wardens. A mile up the road there is a small town infected with the yellow plague. It has been quarantined. The road wardens will explain a circuitous route that will only add a day or so to their travel.

26 - The party comes to a small village at a crossroads. It happens to be the weekly market day and the village is packed with merchants and people from the surrounding farms. Notably a leather armorer whose wares are well crafted has brought a wagon full of merchandise. Additionally his prices are very low. PCs can get any type of leather armor at 75% of the typical cost. A wise woman is selling batches of healing salve.

27 -The party encounters a wizard in bright orange robes named Bardolph Lustgarten. His hair is wild and he has a somewhat twitchy manner. He smells faintly of sulphur. His destination is the same as the PCs and asks if he can travel with them.

28 - The party comes across a small empty village. Most of the buildings have been burnt. There is a pig wandering about on two legs, upright like a man, muttering to himself.

29 -A company of 200 halberdiers marches by along with several supply wagons. Their landschneckt uniforms are ostentatious and bright red and yellow. Wonder where they are headed.

30 -The PCs come across three road wardens on horseback who are holding a half dozen travellers at crossbow point. One of the road wardens urges the PCs to hurry along. He says they've just apprehended a group of bandits. The travellers don't look all that bandity though. As the party are passing one of the travellers shouts that they are innocent. One of the road wardens shoots the man in the throat.

If the party interferes the road wardens will try to escape on their horses and cause trouble for them in the future.

31 -The party notices a wolf in the underbrush shadowing them. Could it be some sort of sign from Ulric?

32 -Have everyone make an average (+0) Outdoor Survival test. Anyone who succeeds notices that the are they are travelling through has a large number of a flower called Yellow Finnalia. It has a strong scent and is sought after by perfume makers. If the party delays two hours they can make a thorough search of the area. Have anyone searching make an average (+0) Perception or Search test (any PCs who have Outdoor Survival get a +20). Anyone who gets a success finds a d5 gold crowns worth of the flower. Anyone who gets three degrees of success finds 2d5 gold crowns worth.

33 -An halfling apothecary named Himminus Tworrly waves and approaches the party. He has a long mustache and an absurdly tall hat. He needs to collect whisper berries from a nearby cave, but goblins have taken up in the cave. If they will escort and protect him, he can pay them with six healing potions. Himminus has a staff, a sling and a large knife.

34 -A tremendously large oak tree looms over a crossroads. The tree is crowded with crows and the corpses of seven big green orcs hang from its branches.

35 -The party comes to a coaching inn named the The Rusted Flail. The PCs may detect a whiff of sulphur as they approach. Inside the walls of the coaching inn, in the courtyard, a drunken wizard (Anselm Gruber) is stumbling about slurring his words and now and then discharging large gouts of flame into the air. A half dozen nervous servants stand around the edge of the courtyard holding buckets of water. The Innkeeper, a big, short man named Kristian Offunder, is at his wits end. He quickly shuffles across the courtyard toward the PCs and tries to convince them to take care of it somehow. He will give them free food, drink, baths and accommodations and 5 gold crowns if they can find a way to calm him down or knock him out or get him to pass out, or head down the road, etc.

36 -The party spots some strange hills in the distance. A routine (+10) common knowledge Empire test will reveal that they are burial mounds of one of the twelve tribes that Sigmar united. Perhaps there is wealth hidden in those tombs?

37 -The party comes to a clearing beside the road. A dozen travelers are gathered and praying at a shrine to St. Britta who was burned as a witch at the site. There is a large circle of burnt grass five yards in diameter. A few yards away there is a collection of large rocks jutting out of the earth, each larger than a horse and carriage. It is littered with candles and flowers.

A dirty anchorite with a big beard named Knut sits cross legged on one of the rocks. He wears a simple, long brown tunic. He asks the PCs for a penny or two, or any food they might be willing to part with. He is especially interested in any sweets or beer they might have. He tends to the shrine and never leaves the rocks. He is eager to chat about St. Britta as well as gossip about what is going on in the rest of the Empire.

Britta was born to a farmer more than 900 years earlier. Sigmar spoke to her in visions. A group of jealous priests and bishops denounced her as a witch and had her burned at the stake. It is said after she perished in the flames a vision of her appeared on the nearby rocks and forgave her accusers before ascending to sit at Sigmar’s side. Knut also claims that the earth remains ever scorched where the fire that consumed St. Britta burned.

38 -The party passes a half dozen charcoal burners. Each is loaded down with several huge bags of lightweight charcoal.

39 -The party notices a big, somewhat overgrown, stone statue. It is worn down by time and weather. The statue is squarish and somewhat simplistic. It appears to be a man-shaped figure wearing a necklace of skulls who is impaling a deer with a spear. A challenging (-10) common knowledge the empire test reveals the statue to be an ancient and darker version of Taal. There looks like there may be some blood stains around the base.

40 -The party notices they are being stalked by men wearing wolf hides. "The Pack" is a group of bandits who worship a dark and twisted version of Taal, obsessed with predation. Even some of the local nobility is involved.

41 -The party runs into three men travelling with a dozen big mastiffs (trained wardogs). They train and breed them and travel from place to place, selling them. They are willing to sell them at the greatly discounted price of 20 gold crowns each.

42 -
The party spots a band of poachers, emerging from the wild with a freshly killed deer. They will offer the party a haunch from the deer if they promise to keep quiet about their poaching.

43 -The party passes an apple orchard. Anyone who fails a routine (+10) willpower test is inexplicably drawn toward the orchard.

At the orchards center is a gnarled apple tree larger than all the rest. It’s fruit is oversized and the most beautiful red. Those that fail a second routine (+10) willpower test will do anything, including fighting, to get their hands on one of the apples.

The owner of the orchard paces erratically under the tree. His hair and beard are wild, and he looks like he hasn’t slept in several days. He is carrying a woodsman’s axe. Three corpses lay around the base of the tree.

44 -A bear with a very violent temper comes out of the wilderness and attacks the players. If they are in a region where the presence of a bear would be strange, make a big deal out of that.

45 -The party arrives at a medium size town at a crossroads. As soon as they enter the town they spot two dozen people dancing in the street. They come from all walks of life. They all look ragged and tired and are shuffling slowly and painfully. A man is sitting nearby and playing a violin and weeping.

His wife is one of those who has been struck by a strange plague of dancing. People affected go out into the streets and dance for days in a row, unable to stop. Approximately half of them eventually come out of it, the other half perish from exhaustion. The local priests have advised that playing music may aid them to speed through the sickness.

If the party lingers overly long or has much close contact with locals you might make them pass a toughness test or contract the plague. If any of the PCs contract the plague have them make a routine (+10) toughness test or perish to the disease. Give them a +20 if the rest of the party can round up musicians to play continuously through the nights. If they survive, have them make a willpower test or take 2 insanity points.

46 -Seven blind beggars pass the party. Each holds on to the rope belt of the man in front of him. The lead beggar feels with a cane. The last man in the chain shakes a wooden mug with a few brass pennies in it. "Alms for the blind!" He shouts. They are on a pilgrimage to the temple in Altdorf.

47 -The party comes across the gruesome aftermath of an attack. The bodies of several dead travellers are strewn around the road. Several have missing limbs. Near the edge of the road the corpse of a beastman has been put into the crosslegged position and leaned against a big tree. Human bones, stripped of their flesh, have been positioned around him, so they radiate out in a circle.

48 -The party passes a big cart. On the cart is a brand new hellblaster volleygun. Two dozen soldiers armed with halberds and muskets and dressed in the black and yellow of Nuln escort the wagon.

49 -The party comes across a small fair. The principal activity is horse racing and horse trading. Good deals can be found, and PCs can find a horse of any type for 25% less than is listed in the book. There are merchants selling food and wine and ale. PCs can also bet on the races. Also a local farmer has grown a big turnip that is shaped like a twin tailed comet! They are selling raffle tickets for a penny. Four tickets will be drawn and the lucky ticket holders will get to share the turnip and cheese pie that is going to be made from it.

50 -A priest of Taal and Rhya is leading a dozen men in a sacred hunt on a holy day of Taal and Rhya.

51 -An old dwarf with a bit of a limp is leading a donkey that is overladen with various junk and knick knacks. His name is Grindel. He will try to sell the PCs all sorts of strange items. One and a half shoes. A perfect match! Other than the missing part. A gear that once served in the great doors of Karak Azduul, now tied on a piece of twine as a necklace. A few pieces of the finest donkey jerky you’ll ever taste, a fate this one is surely destined for if he doesn’t start being more agreeable!

52 -The party meets a strange man named Bruno Hillgen. He is carrying a plethora of books and scrolls. He says he is a low level wizard but his primary field of study is linguistics. He is cataloguing colloquial language throughout the Empire in an effort to root out what he believes to be a subtle plot by Tzeentch to bring about some cataclysmic event by slowly changing the Empire’s speech patterns over generations. He will ask each of the players where they are from and then ask them questions about colloquial phrases in their hometown. Do people use the term “two-headed rooster” to describe an annoyingly early riser. Does their village call mushrooms “dryland fish”? What type of bug does the term “Rhya’s revenge” mean?

53 -About a hundred yards off the road the players spot a ravine. The wind makes an eerie howling sound as it blows through it. At the top of the ravine there is an old decrepit shack. It lists toward the ravine, as do all of the trees on either side of the ravine.

54 -A slight man with a bit of stoop and an oddly wide grin approaches the characters. He has a small bag of counterfeit goblin ears, meticulously crafted from pig skin. They are covered in pig's’ blood. He tells them the nearest town is paying a gold crown per ear and he will sell them counterfeit ears for 5 shillings each.

55 -The party crosses paths with a giant of a man named Eberhard. He has broad shoulders, a thick neck, a patchy beard and a terrible scar running from his chin all the way up into his hairline. He is dressed in a soldier's uniform that once must have been very fine, but is now tattered. He says his friends call him “Hard” Eber. He is a veteran of the Storm of Chaos (or some other conflict) looking for mercenary work. He will travel with the PCs if they will have him, until they reach the next large town. They may hire him, if they are interested, his price is two gold crowns a week. He is strong, tough and skilled with the halberd. He has full leather armor (1 pt arms and legs) and a breastplate and helmet (3 pts head and torso). His mind is badly damaged from the war. When he thinks no one is looking he whispers to his halberd. The first time he takes damage in any combat he must make a very easy (+30) Willpower test or he is lost in a nightmarish flashback and cannot act until he can make an average (+0) Willpower test. Despite his addled mind, Eberhard is generally brave and will be incredibly loyal to anyone who shows him kindness.

56 -The party meets an old artisan named Josef Pruddlinder. He is nearly sixty. His grey beard is neatly trimmed. He crafts very fine violas and is about to journey deep into the wilderness to find the perfect spruce tree to make them from. He is armed with a sword, a buckler and a large saw. He has two young apprentices each armed with a spear.

57 -The party meets a brave and bold halfling adventurer, Hartmundus Crumblefoot. He is armored with ostentatiously decorated leather armor, supplemented by plate in places. He carries a two-handed-sword and a finely painted buckler bearing the image of a foot with the toes falling off. He is accompanied by a halfling bard, Theodoric Widdins, who carries a harp and continually sings ballads about Hartmundus, the “Hero of the Moot”.

58 -The characters encounter a large mercenary company, the Bloody Eagles. Their banner is a spread eagle, red, on a black field. They are six hundred strong. They wear all black landschneckt uniforms. Composed mainly of pikes with some greatswords and firearms mixed in.

59 -The party comes across the Black Gold Inn. It is a long, low building that clearly has not been overly well looked after. The ale is average and the food well below average. Most of the patrons are charcoal burners or woodsmen. The owner is a big man named Lutz. He is nearly as wide as he is tall, with a long beard, equal parts red and grey. He is somewhat standoffish.

60 -flyers are posted regarding recent attacks on a logging settlement by a band of wood elves accompanied by a walking tree. The graf is recruiting men to march on the elves in retaliation.

61 -Three carts (or one barge) are hauling various pieces of a recently unearthed broken twenty foot tall statue. The features are badly worn, but the priests, scholars and soldiers escorting it are sure that it is a statue of sigmar. They think it might even date back to sigmar’s lifetime.

62 -The party meets a bounty hunter named Rolf. He wears a long ragged grey cloak and a large, droopy black hat, as well as an eyepatch over his left eye. He tells the party that he has been hired to find a young woman that has gone missing named Trimilla Hoontzen. Her father is a wealthy shipping magnate in Marienburg. He believes she may be in the next town in the party's path. He has to make a detour and will arrive a day behind them. If they can provide him with any useful information when he arrives he will pay 10-20 gold crowns, depending on how useful the information is. He gives a detailed description of Trimilla, telling the party that she is thin and very tall for a woman, she has long blonde hair, and has a patchy birthmark on the right side of her neck.

63 - The party meets ragged middle-aged woman named Halvenna. She is travelling across the Empire to take her husband's ashes to a Sigmarite shrine. She offers to embroider classical passages from scripture such as “The Heavens protect the Empire and her loyal sons” and “Always, Sigmar watches and weighs” into their clothes for the price of 1 gold crown (If you are so inclined you might give the players a bonus reserve fortune point to use sometime they are out of them). She swears that the thread she carries was blessed by her local bishop. If no one takes her up on her offer, she asks the players if they can spare any food for a hungry pilgrim.

64 -A half dozen of the local Graf’s men, all well armed, try to shake down the players for an “adventurer’s tax”. They demand a half-crown from each of the players, excluding any clergy of any kind. The party may be able to talk their way out of it through persuasion or subtle intimidation. If the party draws their weapons they make a fighting retreat and try to go find reinforcements.

65 -A society of astrologists are travelling from a big city to a rural area to witness a meteor shower that has been predicted. There are two dozen of them or so. Most of them are amateur astrologists who are minor nobles or upper middle class, but there are a few scholars and even a celestial wizard.

66 - The party cross paths with a Verenan Investigator named Wolfgang Von Glossen. He has an assistant who is laden down with various tomes and texts. Wolfgang is searching for a man named Martin Kinske who has been masquerading as a witch hunter of the Order Fidelis. Martin has a half dozen ruffians acting as his entourage. Wolfgang questions the party.

67 -A group of locals are selling a traditional fruit wine made from apples and various berries that is famous in the region. They are pouring it from a barrel and are charging a few silvers per cup or wineskin.

68 -the party crosses path with a grizzled old veteran and three fresh-faced lads. They have heard news of a crusade against the greenskins! They say the Grand Theogonist himself has blessed the endeavour, it surely cannot fail! They have heard that the crusade is retaliation against a horde of orcs that burned down an important monastery. They are travelling to Wissenland to join the crusade.

69 -the party encounters a middle aged couple, Lutz and Brunhilde. They are selling finely made felt hoods.

70 -Thirteen peasant refugees are fleeing their homes. Their village, Grussdorf, was attacked by mutants and beastmen.

71 -Several families of halflings are travelling to the moot on a pilgrimage for a holy day related to sausage. Their mood is drunken and boisterous.

72 -Eddelbard is a wiry old scholar with a deranged look in his eye and a stack of books and scrolls lashed together on his back. He is searching for folklore about a race of creatures called gnomes. He insists that he has found evidence that an entire race disappeared from the continent yet no one seems to have any memory of it. Certainly it must be part of some insidious scheme by Tzeentch, Lord of Change.

73 -A ragged cart pulled by a lonely donkey rolls by. No one is in the driver seat. The donkey has a cut and some matted blood in its fur and is somewhat weary of people. Roll twice to determine the contents of the cart.

74 -There is a small monastery devoted to Shallya that also serves as a sanitarium for old adventurers.

75 -A parade thrown by the local ratcatchers’ guild. At the head of the parade are two people in a huge “rat king” costume. It looks like a regular rat, only the size of a cow and wearing a crown. It is “chased” by the rest of the guild and dozens of small but vicious dogs. People gather and pelt the rat king with old vegetables and cheer for the ratcatchers. The finale of the parade is a member of the ratcatchers brandishing a large prop sword and severing the detachable head of the rat king costume.

76 -A strange storm approaches. It has a purplish hue and crackles with lightning. When it is overhead it starts to rain hard. Along with the rain, small river eels fall from the sky. Most are about as thick as a pinky and several inches long but some are larger.

77 -The party crosses paths with two young adventurers. Neither looks like they could be more than 16 or 17. Lutz is a slight lad armed with numerous knives and a short bow. His partner is broad and burly and carried a thick staff, banded and studded with iron. Both wear leather armor. They tell the party to be on alert. There is a vengeful woodelf kithband in the area. They are retaliating for logging in some “stupid” grove they hold sacred.

78 -The party comes to a village. No people are around and the homes are boarded up. A villager will open a second story window and shout to the party. They explain that a strange performer in a bird costume wandered into town a week ago. At first people thought his act was funny and tossed him pennies. But then he would not leave and people began to fall ill. When some men gathered to run him out of town. He took one of their weapons and killed a few and badly wounded the others. The birdman has taken up residence in a tall oak tree on the edge of town but can occasionally be seen strutting around on the main road. He has a bow in the tree. Various axes and daggers are stuck in the tree in random places. He has 16 Wounds and 50 in most other stats (Ag, Str, To, Ws, Bs) If his bird costume is removed he has terrible boils over all of his body.

79 -A young-looking dwarf named named Wilhelm is a travelling entertainer. He is leading a donkey laden with supplies. A wooden stand projects up from the donkey’s saddle. Three owls sit perched on the stand, two small and one quite large. They are trained to do tricks. He is also a ventriloquist and can throw his voice and make it look like the owls are talking.

80 -The party comes across a freshly slain deer in a small clearing alongside the road. A pack of crows feed on the corpse. One of the crows is much larger than the others, nearly twice the size.

81 -For several nights in a row, Morrslieb seems larger than normal. And it hugs the horizon each night, traversing the sky just above the treetops.

82 -A boy of 15 named Hans is traveling. Two dozen seagulls seem to follow him wherever he goes. He cannot say why for certain but he believes it to be some sort of sign from Manaan. He is from an inland farming community but is traveling to the sea in hope of pleasing Manaan and finding priests that may divine the reasons for the birds activity.

83 -The party comes across a large coaching inn. A large sign bears no words but has the image of a busty pig wearing a fine dress and makeup and flashing some leg. Madame Ellsibert is the proprietor of the Painted Pig. Once a small, dreary stop, business has boomed in the decade since her drunkard of a husband has passed away. The place is now famed for security and good accommodations at reasonable prices and for the finest bacon and prostitutes in the province.

84 -The party crosses paths with a man named Willifred. He has long grey hair, a pegleg and a wry smile. He says he was once a member of the Nuln Artillery corp. He lost his leg in the battle of Blasldornt. “Aw, if only you could have seen it. Twelve perfect, brass long guns all in a row. Each shaking the ground and lighting up the night sky, one after the other, in perfect time!” He has at least a hundred feet of firearm match cord wrapped around his body and some more wrapped around the brim of his hat. “One penny for a foot! Best matchcord in the Empire!”. An Easy Intelligence test by anyone with the special weapons group gunpowder will confirm that the match cord is very well made. It should even burn well in the rain.

85 -Ludmilla, a once beautiful woman, claims she can speak to fairies. She has long red hair, streaked with grey. For a brass penny she can speak to the fairies on your behalf. She must go alone into the wilderness and insists the fairies will not appear if there are any prying eyes. She will ask them to look after a loved one or watch after you on your quest, etc.

86 -The party meets twin halfling bodyguards Grumper and Thump Whetwhistle. They are selling their services, just 4 crowns per week for the pair. They claim to have worked for the King of whor*s in Marienburg and the Averland crimeboss Leopold Deffert in Altdorf.

87 -A vagabond named Waldo has recently come into the area. He has handsome features and long blond hair. A number of trained hummingbirds or “fairy birds” follow him around. He has a small cage on his pack that he will lock his birds up if he notices any prowling cats around. He is an insatiable flirt and will have the birds hover around any targets of his attentions. He claims they are quite intelligent and can communicate to him through their wing movements. He loves to gamble and will make a big show of putting his birds in the cage so they cannot spy on his opponents, but he will attempt to cheat in other ways.

88 -The party meets a man driving a small flock of geese to market. He says the party looks like a “tough lot”. His sister Ida is a brewess one village over. Her husband Fritz is an ex-adventurer and a bit of a drunk, but a good source of information.

Fritz knows that a Night Goblin tribe has recently raided the nearby village of Hormdorf and has returned to their camp which is somewhere in the woods to the Northwest of Hormdorf. He also knows there is a wounded ratman assassin who stole something valuable holed up somewhere near the old mill outside of town. Anyone who pays a visit can find these tips out for a few crowns each, or possibly free with enough booze and charm. If they follow up on either of these leads, they are accurate, but there may or may not be other adventurers following the same lead.

89 -A scholar from Altdorf, Wenzel Von Greffenderz is looking for any artifacts of orc or goblin origin. He can be tricked by very good forgeries, but otherwise will likely spot them. He will pay:

1-2 crowns for tusks or small trinkets.

3-4 crowns for large trinkets or small weapons.

5-6 crowns for weapons .

He is also especially interested in any items of religious or magical nature. Wands,

staffs or idols of Gork & Mork.

90 -A small boy, Ansel, is selling pretzels for 1 brass penny each. He carries them stacked on a long dowel that rests over his shoulder. He is a happy boy with dirty blond hair and bad pox scars.

91 -Harlo Van Dinke is a Marienburg poet of some renown is travelling with his wife Fietje. He will ask the party for tales of their adventures. If they are forthcoming with tales (fodder for Harlo’s poetry), he will pen a brief poem about their adventures and gift it to them. Later on have them overhear it repeated in a tavern somewhere.

92 -Werner, a burly man with an even burlier beard is on his way to market with a massive bundle of reasonably priced used weapons. He once was an adventurer himself before he got into the second-hand weapon business. The party can buy various used hand weapons at 20% off. They are a bit beat up and might have a spot or two of rust, but are perfectly serviceable. He will also buy used weapons in any state off of them at reasonable prices.

93 -A woman named Olga is selling felted phrygian caps in the Nordland style. They are embroidered with sigmarite verses and images of hammers and wolves.

94 -The party sees a number of large dark silhouettes in the distant sky. As they get closer, they realize they are huge kites in the shape of ravens, some with a ten-foot wingspan. A festival in the name of Morr is underway. Priests of Morr guide the festivities. The Day of Dreams. The priests write down dreams that people want forgotten onto streamers and pin them to the kites, then send them high and release them to carry the nightmares far away. Anyone who takes part can remove 1 insanity point (though I probably wouldn’t tell them until they wake up the next morning).

95 -Two thugs are handing out pamphlets that are a defense of the Graf’s wife. She has long been ill and rumors have circulated that it is some sort of chaos affliction. The pamphlet explains that a learned doctor from Altdorf has examined her and declared her illness to be of an entirely normal nature. The thugs will threaten anyone who is literate but will not take a pamphlet.

96 -Boris, a big kislevite, is recruiting pitfighters. He promises a life of adventure. He is missing 3 fingers on his left hand. He has a huge, elderly ogre accompanying him, “Heftor the Hungry!” Heftor was once famous and ferocious but is now more than a bit fuzzy. If anyone is interested in the pitfighter career, Boris can help them now or at a later date.

97 -A huge oak tree named Taal’s justice stands proudly in the middle of a large clearing. Big wooden cages woven from tree limbs and thorn branches hang from the tree. Poachers caught in the area must spend one month in a cage. They must rely on relatives of generous passersby for food and water.

98 -Flyers are posted all over recruiting for an expedition to the borderlands to reclaim lost lands for the Empire! Recruits will be paid 2 crowns per week, with great opportunities to supplement that income through looting. A sergeant and a handful of soldiers are roaming around trying to recruit strong young men.

99 -The party stumbles across a badly-injured man. Nils Wulfgarten has taken a crossbow bolt through his thigh. He says he is a witch hunter of the Order Fidelis and shows a silver medallion with the initials O.F. on it.

A local group of priests of Verena have been venerating a massive 4-foot-tall owl, which they believed was a servant of Verena, but Nils believed the owl was a creature of chaos that was causing dangerous fixations and strange anomalies. Nils assassinated the huge owl and is now being pursued by a number of priests of Verena with an angry mob in tow. Nils promises the party the favor of the Order Fidelis if they can help him escape.

100 -A dwarven merchant caravan is moving through the area. Three heavy wagons and a dozen armored dwarf guards. Rumor has it the wagons are full of ornately crafted candlesticks and candelabras with ornate reliefs. Many are sure to be made of gold and silver.

101 -A ferret with bright purple eyes has been hanging around the area and acting very strange. It appears to be watching and following people in the town. People have become unnerved. The men have tried to trap and hunt it with no success.

A half-mad ex-wizard lives on the edge of town. He was once a member of the Colleges of Magic, but his writ was revoked after a disastrous spellcasting incident badly warped his mind. The people of the town tolerate him well, and he sometimes helps the ill with herbalism and some minor hedge-wizardry. He claims to know nothing of the ferret (and at least seems to be sincere), but many people in the town think he must be responsible.

102 -Two coaches are being escorted by dozens of kislevite soldiers and servants. A squat servant with fine clothes and excessive sideburns approaches the party. “My mistress, Countess Ludizinia Anna Promovski wishes to make your acquaintance and to hear of your travels. She would be most pleased if you would join her for tea.” His reikspiel is nearly flawless. He is polite, though perceptive characters might realize he is harboring some hidden disdain. The big guards stare and the invitation feels a little more like a demand than an invitation, but if they accept, servants will spring into action, setting up a delicious picnic and the Countess treats them very warmly, much more than their station dictates.

Ludizinia is an eccentric young widow, who thinks Kislev is quite dreary, especially this time of year. She might have work for them or perhaps be a potential ally in the future. She is also willing to commit her men to some nearby adventure if it will result in a good story.

103 - A dwarven gyrocopter has been sighted flying over the region several times in the past month. Locals have turned spotting the thing into a quirky leisure activity. Recently, nobles and wealthy commoners from neighboring regions have been making visits to the area. Enterprising locals have started offering their services as “gyrocopter guides” and porters.

104 -A weary, crazed-looking man shouts “Have you seen the misty isles? . . . Or the majesty and madness, shrouded on her shores?” He tells the party about an ill-fated adventure to Albion. He tells of wild druids casting spells in circles of standing stones and a society of small, dark creatures, cyclops known as the Fimir.

105 - The area is completely overrun with rabbits. Local Inns are serving various rabbit dishes at discounted prices. Rabbits are very easy to hunt and the local Baron has decreed that anyone may hunt a pair of rabbits a week.

106 - The party comes to a coaching inn called “Moons & Stars”. A big orb painted yellow and a smaller one painted green sit on poles atop the roof and tin stars are hung from the poles.

In the courtyard a man and woman are strapping on their armor and a crowd is gathered to watch them duel. Brunhilde is a tall woman, thin but strong. Her hair is tightly braided and she has more than her share of scars. She puts on her chain and straps her sword belt on. She looks calm. Like this is not the first time she has dispatched some loudmouth male.

Her much larger opponent is looking rather nervous. His armor and weapon are of slightly lower quality, but it appears to be Brunhilde’s steely demeanor that has worried him. He appears to know he has made an error, but is unable to back out in front of his comrades. If no one interferes, he will be quickly dispatched.

107 - A rough looking Marienburger named Gustaaf is wanted for a murder he committed in a streetfight. The roadwardens are on the lookout for him. He offers to write a letter of introduction to the King of whor*s, a Marienburg crime boss, that he promises will ensure lucrative work, if the party will help him evade capture.

108 - A line of travelers and merchants are being searched by a half dozen road wardens. On a nearby cart, a halfling merchant with big bushy sideburns fidgets nervously. He offers the party 5 crowns if they will cause some sort of distraction.

109 -For the past five days swine have been spontaneously bursting into flames. The town is at a loss. Accusations of chaos are being thrown around. Sigismund, the elderly mayor is doing his best to keep order, but his efforts have yielded little results.

A “Witch hunter” named Raeburn and his four followers just arrived. They are actually bandits, masquerading as witch hunters so they can extort the town. They are in league with a drunk and disgraced bright wizard who is hidden in the wilderness just out of town and is causing the fires.

110 -A massive spider, more than ten feet across has been spotted in the area. It has been dragging small and medium-sized livestock back to its web. A posse is being put together to hunt it down.

111 - A Dwarven heritage association is putting on a cultural celebration in the town square on a dwarven holiday. Imperial dwarves dress up in traditional dwarven clothing and drink and sing. Some humans join in. Others are overheard saying “Go back to your mountains!” and “I don't mind dwarves, I just wish they weren't always rubbing their dwarfness in you face.”

112 - A gang of young dwarves has taken up smoking thundercaps, a traditional dwarven drug. It is a mushroom cap that, when dried, mixed with tobacco and smoked, produces a quiet, euphoric, violent high. They have instigated a number of fights and the entire local dwarven community is suffering the blowback. Perhaps the gang needs to be dealt with. Or maybe they are looking to buy or sell thundercaps.

113 - Franz Haltoffer is a travelling fechtmeister (fighting instructor). He is willing to offer some fighting instruction as well as some printed illustrations for the price of 20 crowns. Anyone purchasing his services may access a melee fighting (dodge blow or specialist weapon group) skill or melee related talent.

114 - The party encounters an old, grizzled and greying adventure, deep into a bottle of schnapps. He won’t stop grumbling about how the “Empire just isn’t the same any more! Other races are taking over everything! I’ve even seen women-folk and halflings soldiering!”. If the party questions him any further, his achievements as an adventurer are notably unremarkable. “Oh, I slayed the mean, green goblin of Brackdtdorf! He had big sharp teeth, pointy teeth and FOUR gangly green limbs!”

115 - The party comes across an oddly dressed man frantically ruffling through some nearby foliage. Those very knowledgeable on the Empire or somewhat knowledgeable of Engineering will recognize him as an Imperial Engineer. He beseeches the party to help recover his trained pigeons that escaped their cages and are vital to his research. Should they agree to help, he gives the party members some bread to attract the birds and suggests they split up in their search to cover more ground. Of course, the scatterbrained engineer neglected to mention his research pertained to bird-delivered forms of ordinance and his pigeons are weaponized with small, experimental explosives devices. But surely they are safe enough to handle...right?116 - In the distance the party can see a majestic wild Gryphon soaring through the air towards an abandoned tower. The beast has nested in the empty battlements. Should the party investigate (more wisely when the gryphon isn’t around), they will find a nest with a single egg.

117 - A remote village is plagued with a peculiar curse. For two generations, a mysterious priest of Morr would periodically appear in the village. Whenever he appeared, someone would die within the day. The priest himself is never directly involved in any deaths. The deaths are from natural causes or an accident, and the priest sets about giving them full funeral rites and burial without a word to anyone. The village eventually learned to live with his presence, hiding in their homes when he appears in town and coming out when he finished his solemn work of burying whoever happens to pass that day. But this time is different. Previously someone would die within a day of his appearance, but this time he’s been standing in the village square for nearly a week and none have died yet. Paranoia, confusion, suspicion and fear all begin to take root over who or what he’s waiting for...

118 - Grumbrin Goldfist has taken the slayer's oath and has spent years seeking a worthy death to redeem himself by. And what luck! A troll (Or giant or otherwise suitably mighty foe) has presented itself to give him a worthy fight and, hopefully, a worthy doom. The party happens upon this fight. Do they attempt to intervene and save the dwarf or allow his ancestors to decide his fate (with the potential of swooping in on his weakened opponent after he is slain)?

119 - Morrslieb hangs low in the night sky giving the world an unearthly green glow. The air is thick with whispers of the dead and flickering visions of strange figures clinging to the edge of one’s sight that ebb and flow with the winds of magic stirred by the ominous celestial body above. Suddenly the sky roars with a green comet streaking to the horizon before landing with an echoing crash. A boulder of wyrdstone broken from the dark moon’s surface has crashed nearby. The air around the impact crackles with raw energy warping the nearby flora with thorns and unnatural fleshy growths. While a terrible, corrupting danger to any who happen upon it, there are no doubt many who would pay well or even kill to have such a find in their clutches.

120 - A Traveling coach offers the players a quicker travel option to where they are headed at a fair price. The ride seems to be a good deal for now, but should they take the offer the coach will be attacked by highwaymen on horseback while on the move. The players must fight for their lives and, more importantly,for their gold as the coach driver attempts to outrun or out maneuver the attackers. (rules for such combat for 2nd edition whfrp can be found on page 87 of the Old World Amoury.) Who were these highwaymen? Common robbers? Assassins? Did they happen upon the party by chance or was the coaching ride actually too good to be true?

121 - The party comes across a flyer advertising the newest exhibit in the Imperial Zoo in Altdorf. From beyond the World’s Edge Mountains, the fearsome Stonehorn! Surely all the necessary precautions have been taken to ensure the beast is securely caged and cannot possibly escape.

122 - The party reaches a small bridge that crosses a river impeding their path. A River Troll lumbers up from under the bridge to challenge the party but in an peculiar turn of events is not openly hostile if they do not attempt to cross the bridge. He will permit passage for a paltry offering of coin or food and appears capable of understanding Reikspeil if not speaking it.123 - The party comes to a small town undergoing a dinning by the local noble’s militia. (Reference: Old World Armoury page 15) The Militia captain has patrols of militiamen marching through the streets at all hours, blaring their musical instruments and clattering their arms and armour until the town coughs up the desired tax. Any character attempting to sleep in this town must fail a very easy (+30) perception test, with any relevant bonuses to hearing, or is unable to sleep. Characters who fill their ears with wax reduce this to a Normal (+0) test, and characters who merely cover their ears with their hands can reduce the difficulty to a easy (+20) test. Of course, the dinning will end sooner if the players contribute money to the cause. Or perhaps the militia captain can be reasoned with. Why do they need this sudden coin anyways?

124 - A small group of skaven start to shadow the party. Their master saw that the party was important in a drug filled prophetic dream.

125 - An old woman from Ostermark is selling carved totems of a stylized crane. They are nicely painted, with striking red beaks. The cost 1 gc, but the player may add two to a single damage roll in the future.

126 - A massive, armored black orc, with a recently amputated and cauterized stump of an arm, is leading a band of a dozen goblins. They have been attacking small villages. They are searching especially for alcohol of any kind, to ease the constant pain of their one-armed black orc warchief.

127 - A low, rumbling clamour begins to echo from the road ahead of the party and steadily grows louder. Within a short while, the cacophony can be distinguished as the stocky, rhythmic thump of marching feet, clanging shields and gruff, bassy voices singing in Khazalid. A throng of 20 armored dwarfs led by a minor Thane are marching the opposite direction of the party with grim determination, banging their shields to keep cadence. Two of their number toting a large stone with runes and angry bearded faces carved upon it. Those with the relevant knowledge (Common Knowledge dwarfs. Academic Knowledge: history, etc) can identify it as an oath stone. Those who can understand Khazalid can determine that the dwarfs are singing a song of reckoning. Hopefully they are just passing through and none of the party has their name in a book of grudges anywhere.128 - A pungently fragrant odor hangs in the air, curiously reeking of body odor and rotting flesh with the occasional spike of well-seasoned and savorily seared roasting meat. A breeze is blowing it from ahead on the road. As the party comes closer to its source, the scent grows thicker but so does the sound of raucous singing. The party has happened upon an encampment of roving Ogre mercenaries numbering in the dozens. It’s probably best to give them a wide berth in case they are hungry, but a sufficient offering of food, gold or the convincing promise thereof could guarantee them safe passage through the camp. A particularly generous offering might perhaps even enlist their services.

129 -
A meager toll post watches over the road ahead. Some ill-equipped militiamen man the position, under the berating guidance of a particularly obese bailiff with a gaudy metal pendant about his neck to denote his authority. They demand a toll of a pence for every arm and leg in the party and a two-shilling “ear tax” for every elf along with any other creative spur-of-the-moment fine the Game Master can come up with.

130 - The party comes upon a town with the local populace gathered and clamoring in the main square. Upon closer investigation, they discover that the crowd is gathered around a performing traveling Targeteer and accompanying entourage. A wooden backboard is set up to create a makeshift archery range. Members of the crowd are one-at-a-time tossing coins into the range for the targeteer to shoot mid air and pin to the backboard as means to pay and be entertained by their talents.

131 - The party comes upon a diseased man, riddled with Neiglish rot slumped on the side of the road. Around him dances a small ring of Nurglings, joyfully chittering.
“Boils and puss, rotting cysts
Revel in grandfather’s gifts

From his garden, come the spores
Blooming in your tickling sores”

132 - The party comes across a wooden sign that says “Danjur ahed. Folo ovur rod” with an arrow pointing down a conjoining road.

133 -The party comes across a Dwarfen Ranger traveling the same road. He is very friendly but well armed and his clothing and weathered face show that he is a warrior of many years. He invites the party to rest a while, enjoy some of his good dwarfen ale rations, and share news and rumors they might have for him to report back to his hold and king. He is perfectly willing to share some of news and rumors he’s already collected in his journey in exchange, such as other passersby, nearby points of interest, or perhaps other plothooks the GM might have.

134 - The party comes across a small covered wagon with a pair of camp followers on their way to tail a marching army. The party’s coin is as good as the troopers, so they offer their wares; mostly some good quality rations of salted pork and other meager luxuries a soldier on the march would greatly appreciate such as holy symbols, clean undergarments, sewing kits, pipe weed, tinctures for aches and pains, and some cheap alcohol. Also among their wares are some weapons and armor showing some wear and tear, offered for suspiciously low prices, as if they managed to pick them up for free.

135 -The party comes across a welcoming, cozy inn. Those familiar with the local area or access to accurate maps may be concerned as they will know that this inn was abandoned long ago. Despite that knowledge, there is a bustling scene of music and the inviting aroma of hot food and wine. (the inn is an illusion created by a derelich, a cruel spirit that inhabits abandoned buildings and can split itself into spirits and other entities to make the place look inhabited. Reference: Knights of the Grail, page 48. It intends to lull the party into sleeping at the inn and attack them)

136 - The party passes a traveling Judge and his retinue. (reference: Sigmar’s Heirs page 28) The retinue consists of a scribe, six men-at-arms, four of which are carrying the Judge on a sedan chair, and a well-armed Judicial Champion for added security and to fight in trials of combat on behalf of the state if the need arises. The judge can arbitrate over any civil grievances the party has with one another or npcs if need be, consulting the heavy tome of law the scribe is carrying. The scribe is also in possession of several wanted posters, warrants for arrest and edicts to be read and posted in the towns the judge is traveling to, some of which may be of interest to the party if they are considering bounty hunting as a career path or might be subject to some of the edicts.

137 - The sound of an infant crying attracts the party’s attention from deeper in the woods. Is it an infant in peril? A newborn touched by chaos and abandoned by its grieving parents? Or a ruse and bait for a fiendish trap?

138 - A member of the party chosen at random discovers a ferret in their pack. (the creature uses the same profile and abilities for a cat, reference: Old World Armoury page 79 with the added talents of contortionist and tunnel rat) The ornery creature has consumed 1d3 of the character’s rations or food before it was discovered. While this transgression may merit a quick and brutal death, the ferret has an ornate collar with the name “duch*ess”, indicating it might be a runaway pet of a wealthy owner.

139 - The party is surrounded in ambush by several cloaked men armed with longbows, but none open fire. (The men are actually Herrimults rather than typical bandits, reference: Knights of the Grail page 97) One with a hood that obscures their face, presumably the leader, declares that the party is trespassing in their woods, but says they are gracious hosts and will forgive their transgression if the party joins them for dinner, and pay for it of course. He claims the exchange is far more agreeable than a typical, violent highway robbery expected of these interactions. If the party disagrees, the men attack but seek to strike to stun rather than inflict killing blows, and steal their money. If the party agrees, the men blindfold them and lead them to their hidden camp where they indeed share a cordial feast of venison. After which, the party is extorted of a small sum money, then blindfolded again and led back to the road where they first met and released unharmed.

140 - The road cuts through an open field with a hill and a lone tree on top as a prominent landmark. There appears to be something slumped against the trunk.Upon closer investigation, the something is actually two rather fresh bodies, perhaps only a few hours slain, dressed in some good-quality clothing. Both bodies seemed to have died from a close range gunshot wound, and each has one hand firmly clasped onto a fired pistol, and one hand firmly clasped on a handle of a small chest between them. What could be in this chest to merit such a scuffle that escalated into cold blooded murder?

141 - The party comes across a small enclosed wagon with a gently smoking chimney pulled by a stocky mule and driven by a rotund halfing. The halfling claims he is famous for his “five-penny meat pies” that he bakes in the enclosed area of his wagon, and offers some to the party. Such is the quality of his cooking, that the pies count as being Good quality food for a day, and just as filling despite their meager price. However, the following day, any who ate one must pass a routine (+10) toughness check or contract the galloping trots.

142 - The party finds a corpse of a Dwarf, apparently stabbed in the back and robbed. In his hand he clutches a small open book. Those with a relevant knowledge check can discern that it is a personal book of grudges that the dwarf must have kept to track those who have wronged him. In it is a long list of names, many crossed off. However, there is one last name written in blood by the dwarf’s finger, apparently in his dying moments...

143 - A shrine to the Imperial pantheon is perched beside the road. Around it are gathered several people who are meeting up for a pilgrimage, conveniently in the same direction the party is headed. Among the pilgrims is an old Knight of the Blazing Sun and his son who serves as his dutiful squire, a scribe who constantly writes down the events around him but is otherwise very quiet, a promiscuous seamstress who is deaf in one ear, a rude and suspicious Friar, a wealthy merchant, and an innkeeper who organized the pilgrimage and is acting as the guide for it. Should the party join this pilgrimage, the innkeeper will suggest a game to help pass the time on their journey; each person will pitch in a modest wager to play. Then, each participant will take turns telling a story as they travel. Each participant will tell three stories. By the time everyone is finished telling their stories, the pilgrims should have reached their destination. At which point, the innkeeper will judge who told the best story, and thus wins the wages everyone pitched in. (In the very likely event your players can’t tell a story to save their lives, or simply take too long to do so, a simple best-of-three opposed Performer (Storyteller) test between the participants will suffice.)

144 - A small trade caravan is camped in the clearing ahead. The lone trader and her meager escort are readily apparent as foreigners, though those in the party with relevant knowledge will be able to place them as Cathayan. The trader will hail the party in broken Riekspeil, or Khazalid if that fails. Such is her lack of familiarity with the languages that anyone in the party speaking with her must pass a speak language check to understand what he is trying to say to them, and vice versa. She will attempt to convey that her name is Ju Lee, and that she and her caravan narrowly survived the harrowing journey from distant Cathay along the Ivory Road to this land to trade. The Magistrate and translator originally accompanying the caravan perished during the journey along with the majority of the other wagons and escorts. Ju Lee is eager to get something out of her ordeal, and offers her wares to the party to trade for with items of equal value or to purchase with gold at half the rulebook-listed price. Among her goods are Cathayan thousand-year egg delicacies, cathayan longswords (ref: the WFRP Companion page 8), silk cloth, exotic spices, and jade.

145 - The woods ahead are dense enough to block out the sun and a cloud of malice lies over them, provoking irrational fears and dark imaginings in the minds of those who enter. The party must take fear checks at random intervals as they travel through, but surely there is nothing of actual danger lurking about…right?

146 - The trees ahead seem particularly gnarled and twisting. Those who are familiar with the area might not even recall seeing them here when they last passed through. A relevant knowledge check (AK: Arcane, Outdoor Survival, etc.) or those with witchsight can see that this is a blood forest. The trees are alive and slumbering but go into a feeding frenzy in the presence of magic. Should a spell be successfully cast in these woods or at the trees, they will attack any nearby living things. Each tree inflicts 2 attacks treated with a WS of 25 and a Strength of 45 with their branches which are treated as Blunt SB weapons. After two rounds of combat, the trees cease attacking and herd together in a random direction, crawling along with their roots a dozen yards before settling back into their dormant state.

147 - This part of the forest is infested with a chromatic array of mushrooms, ranging in size from the size of a fist to ten feet tall. An easy (+20) outdoor survival check can yield enough safely edible mushrooms to serve as a meal for a day, while a routine (+10) search can yield some rare specimens of fungi such as 1D3 Madcap mushrooms, or other fungi-based poison or potion ingredients. The air is thick with spores, some of which have psychedelic properties. Those not taking precautions, such as covering their faces with a cloth mask, must pass an Int test after ten minutes of exposure, or gain the Stoopid special rule (ref: Old world Armoury page 111) until they leave the vicinity. The party is not alone, however. A group of 12 night goblins are also gathering mushrooms and noisily squabbling over the choicest ones. Such is their fixation on this bounty of fungi, that they currently have the fearless talent and will only flee or otherwise leave the area by passing a hard (-20) WP check.

148 - The river ahead has inexplicably turned to blood. This is usually seen as an omen that Khorne is in ascendancy among his siblings in the Chaos realms. So ghastly is the sight, that characters who look upon it must pass a WP test or gain an insanity point, with the exception of characters who worship Khorne or Khaine, or are vampires. Followers of Khorne are actually emboldened by this sign from their God and receive a temporary fortune point to use for the next week. The blood of the river counts as actual blood for the purposes of vampire feeding or gathering ingredients for rituals or potions.

149 - The river ahead is a fierce torrent so powerful it has washed away the bridge that once stood here. Good luck figuring out how to get across.

150 - The river ahead is infused with a particularly strong mass of light magic. While this is apparent to those with witchsight, to the mundane the water just seems peculiarly glittery but crystal clear. Any light spells cast in the immediate area gain +2 to their casting roll while those of chaos or necromancy gain -2. Any demonic or undead entities that attempt to pass through this river suffer 1d10 wounds with no saves allowed. Anyone else who passes through the river immediately becomes the target of a random beneficial spell from the lore of light.The water can be gathered in a container such as a bottle and retain these same effects, but only for one day at which point the effects of the magic diffuses.

151 - Ahead lies a bubbling marshland. Those with witchsight can see an unusual concentration of the jade wind Ghyran seeping into it and recognize it as an earthblood mere. To the mundane, this marsh merely seems to be curiously vibrant for such a dour place. Lore of Life spells cast while knee-deep in the marsh gain +2 to their casting roll, while lore of death spells gain -2. Characters knee deep in the marsh also gain the regeneration special rule, healing 1D10 wounds at the start of their turn, except for wounds caused by fire or if they perish before the rule can take effect.

152 - As night falls the skies are clear and the stars and cosmos are particularly vivid. Shooting stars and celestial bodies are visible to the naked eye and blanket the heavens in a tapestry of glittering light. Those with witchsight can see the Azyr winds are prevalent in this area while the mundane might just notice the stars are pretty tonight. The gentle torrent of celestial magic is giving all in the area a strange sense of foresight, manifesting in curious senses of deja vu every few moments. If any character takes an action or test in this area, roll a 1d3. On a three, the character taking the action is permitted to reroll the test and take the more desirable result as celestial magic gives them a few-second glimpse of the future; enough to quickly react to a mistake or failure and attempt to correct it before it comes to pass. Spells from the lore of heavens cast in the area receive a +2 to their casting rolls. The Azyr winds funneling down from the heavens also magnify the stars, making them more clear and readable. Any navigation tests using the stars becomes very easy, and any attempt to scry one’s fortune from them gains one success level.

153 - The light in this part of the forest is taking on an amber hue as it pours through the canopy of trees, at least to the mundane. Those with witchsight can see the amber wind of Ghur is prevalent here and imparts a +2 bonus to any casting roll made for a lore of beasts spell. The magic is also having an effect on the local creatures, making even the docile deer aggressive enough to stand its ground rather than flee in the face of danger. This is felt by all characters in the form of a +5% to their strength, toughness, and willpower but a -5% to their intelligence as beasti*al urges creep into their minds. The party should be wary, as other beasts are often attracted to these places…154 -The villages of Blutburg and Schusselheim are partaking in their annual festival colloquially known as Bloodbowl. The villagers meet in a wide field between their villages for a day and night of feasting, drinking, music and, most notably, to spectate a raucous game of the same name. The villages each provide their own team of ten players clad in special, locally-made padded leather armor, and line up opposite each other in the field. A coin flip determines which team has initial possession of a tough, studded leather ball. It is both teams' goals to fight for possession of said ball and advance with it to a marked goal post at the opposite side of the field to score a point. After which, the players and ball reset to the center of the field for another round. The locals keep score by tossing chickens into pens representing each team's pool of collected points. The game ends at sundown and the village with the most chickens is declared the winner and is given the prize of some special, locally brewed casks of ale, though traditionally this is then graciously shared with the losing village as the festival continues throughout the night. As the game lasts from sunup to sundown, the players are swapped out to rest or due to injury. Outsiders, including the party, are invited to play on behalf of one of the villages, and bribes of ale and food are common to recruit particularly capable visitors. Since the game is so violent, allowing punching, kicking, pushing, grappling and other physical contact (but absolutely no biting), outsiders who join a team are offered a set of the padded leather armor to wear for protection. There is a one in three chance it will not fit properly, however, incurring a -5% penalty to Agility when wearing it, but offering some light protection from the many unarmed attacks that will be inflicted during the game.

155 - Grungnee Sureshears is an acclaimed Dwarf Barber-Surgeon, nearly unparalleled in his talents for both healing and beard-grooming. While many seek him out for his medical expertise, Dwarfs often do so just for the honor of having their beard trimmed to perfection by his shears like a luxurious topiary garden. While he favors Dawrfen holds and districts in the cities he visits, Sureshears can sometimes be found on the road traveling between them and will offer his services to the players should they come upon him, for a price of course. Sureshears uses only Dwarfen-made tools and implements for both surgery and barbering. He methodically shows his customer the Grudge-mark of authenticity on each tool before using it, to assure them of their dwarfen quality. His reputation is very much deserved. So great is his talent in barbering, that any character who enlists Sureshears to cut their hair, be it on their head or face, will enjoy a +5% bonus to Fellowship tests for the next month as their new, commanding hairstyle impresses all who gaze upon them. For medical services, Sureshears counts as a best-quality physician and charges as much. But such is his skill and pride in his work, that any skill checks or other dice rolls for the service may be rerolled and the more favorable result selected. He has never left a customer unsatisfied in either service, but should that happen he would surely take the slayer oath in recompense…

156 - A welcoming inn marks the road ahead. The Cat in the Cupboard is a refuge in more ways than one. The atmosphere inside is warm and cordial, and the Dwarf innkeeper, Helga Brewsmen, offers discounted meals and lodging for any Roadwardens, Soldiers or other “upstanding heroes in uniform”. She even offers them a few free rounds of Dwarfen ale on the house to thank them for their service. Those with appropriate knowledge (secret signs: Thief, Rhanald, etc.) will recognize this place as a safehouse for petty criminals. A coded phrase to the innkeeper will get them access to the Cat’s suite room, which is merely a front to the safehouse below the inn where gambling, fences and a shrine to Rhanald all reside, safe from the lawmen being distracted upstairs.

157 -The yellow wind of Chamon is heavy in this area, infusing everything with Metal magic. While this is obvious to those with witchsight, the mundane will just note that their motion seems heavy and stiff, and everything glints with a hard, metallic sheen and small flakes of sparkling minerals. All armor and metal weapons are galvanized by the magic, gaining a +1 to its armor rating and damage rolls (as appropriate) while in this area, but +5% encumbrance (if you’re playing with that rule). All characters also enjoy a +5% to their INT, as the golden wind makes logic clear and plain to any sentient mind it flows through. Of course, all spells cast from the lore of metal gain a +2 to their casting roll.

158 -The red wind of Aqshy burns hot in this area. Those with witchsight can see it bellowing up from the ground like roaring flames, but the mundane will just notice the place is filled with a great, dry heat, occasionally seeing an inexplicable floating ember rise from the nearby foliage or hear the crackle of a burning fire even if none is burning. Any open flame in the area, be it a candle, campfire or torch, burns twice as large, twice as bright, and twice as long as normal, but consumes fuel at a normal pace, as the magic in the air fuels its unusual conflagration. That said, any flaming attack or damage from fire adds an additional 1d10 to its damage roll. Characters here unconsciously feel the effects of the magic, becoming short tempered and irritable, suffering a -5% to any fellowship test that won’t result in combative or argumentative action. Any spells cast from the Lore of Fire gain a +2 to their casting roll.

159 -The grey wind of Ulgu is strong in this area. Those with witchsight see it hanging hard around them like a thick miasma and suffer a -5% to any perception tests with even their normal sight. The mundane will notice the unusual fog blanketing this place in a gloomy shade, and that the shadows seem darker and wider than they normally would. Such is the shadows and haziness in the area, that it grants a +10% to any concealment tests attempted here, along with any other tests that seek to hide or deceive (such as slight-of-hand or blather). The fog is thick enough to necessitate a navigation test with a -10 penalty or the party will become turned around and lost. Those with appropriate knowledge (AK arcane, etc.) will know that this could be a natural phenomenon, as the winds of magic eb and flow and pool in some places, but often is the result of some significant illusion magic such as spells that conceal wizard towers or other secretive places. Could there be treasure located here, or danger? Naturally, spells cast from the lore of shadows gain +2 to their casting rolls.

160 - The purple wind of shyish hangs heavy in this area. No doubt the ground is soaked from many deaths, possibly from a great, long-forgotten battle or burial ground. Those with witchsight can see the magic pooling on the ground like a thick fog that seems to cling to the legs of any who walk through it, as if tugging them to their inevitable fate of the grave. The mundane will merely sense an oppressive aura about the place and the uneasy feeling of dread and doom. This unease manifests as a -10% penalty to WP in the area, except for Amethyst wizards, followers of Morr or other characters appropriately unafraid of death, such as slayers. These unafraid characters will enjoy an unusual sense of calm in the certainty of their mortality that gives them a +10 bonus to WP. Spells from the lore of death gain a +2 to their casting roll, but spells from the lore of life gain a -2. The many deaths from time long forgotten here also makes it ripe for vile acts of necromancers. Because it is Shyish, not Dhar, that permeates this area, spells from the lore of vampires and necromancy do not gain benefits to their casting rolls. But such is the abundance of corpses buried deep below, that any spell that raises the dead may add 1d10 to the number of undead raised by the caster. (if this exceeds the number the caster can control, the excess undead attack!)161 - The party is greeted by a rotund old nobleman, whose puffed sleeves and wide cloak only serve to exaggerate his size. He is followed by a large retinue of servants, body guards and retainers who will, on demand, produce absurdly specific and exotic morsels of food for him to consume while speaking with the party. “In my life, I have eaten of every dish created in the Old World.” he tells the party, before snapping his fingers and calling for an exotic morsel of food that a member of his entourage immediately produces for him. “I have tasted spices from near-mythical lands.” The noble continues, speaking as he eats, “I have tried the flesh of nearly every beast that may be hunted, fished or farmed. There is one more that I wish to try before I die, and I am seeking some adventurers to acquire it for me…”

162 - The Kiss-a-Penny fair has set up in the area. One pence gets a character admission. A dwarf and a well-endowed lady take the admission fees at the front gate. The dwarf acts as security against troublemakers, and the lady marks each guest with a smooch on the cheek, leaving a clear imprint of her lips from the red cosmetic grease decorating them to serve as proof-of-payment, a policy that gives the fair its name. The lady marks most patrons on the left cheek, but if she notes a wealthier or particularly gullible-looking patron, she’ll mark them on the right. Characters can notice this with a hard-20 perception check, or if the players playing them are naturally perceptive enough.

Once inside, there is a pleasant variety of diversions, games, shows and cheap food and drink, and various baubles and trinkets (with a 1-in-5 chance of functioning as an actual lucky charm), all costing just a penny each. There is a dunk tank with a wise-cracking halfling who insults passersby to try to incite them into paying a penny to try to dunk him. Several shows are also performed at regular intervals in several tents, one advertises a “Entrancing dance performed by the mysterious beauties of mysterious Ind”, another tent has a “culturally enriching recitations of songs and ballads from the Empires proud history”, and another boasts the horrible spectacle of a “Man Eating chicken”. While the shows usually are received well, a roustabout is on standby to enter the tent and sell rotten tomatoes for a penny each for the crowd to pelt the performers with if they start to boo. Among the other games are mechanical rides and shooting galleries with moving targets, a “pit fight” with padded weapons where patrons can pay to fight the faire’s “champion” or each other with, and a test-your strength machine.The fair staff will try particularly hard to attract the attention and patronage of guests marked with a kiss on the right cheek. A few pickpockets also prowl the crowd looking for these marks.

163 - Rumors abound that a massive tower has been seen floating through the sky in the nearby area. A difficult academic Knowledge (History or Arcane) test will reveal that this matches the description of it with one of the fabled flying fortresses created by a powerful Wizard named Fozzrik from before the founding of the colleges of magic. The fortresses were said to have been enchanted to fly on command, but must return to the original place they were first built every few centuries. They are believed to be treasure troves of arcane knowledge and artifacts, not to mention immensely powerful bastions in their own right, making them lucrative prizes for people of power or looters alike. But they are also fabled to sprout their own defenses, hurling stones from their walls as missiles, bringing statues to life, and even shifting their towers into grimacing faces of stone to breathe fire upon foes. The rumors are probably hogwash…but if they’re not…

164 - A horse and cart loaded with turnips is stopped on the side of the road up ahead. A hunched peasant farmer is attempting to fix one of the wheel’s broken spokes. He asks the party if they can assist with a strength check to help him get the mended wheel back onto the cart. An appropriate other skill check could be made instead, should the party come up with a clever solution. The farmer offers the party some pickled pigs feet in thanks that count as good-quality rations.165 - A traveling painter named Rosalina Künstlerin crosses paths with the party. She claims to be a very gifted artist and has a few small canvases of her work to prove it. A relevant Knowledge check might even verify her claim. She is always looking to exercise her craft on sufficiently illustrious subjects and might be hired to paint one of the party members. Or she might pay a member of the party to model for her to paint to bolster her folio of masterpieces. She can complete an illustrious painting in a matter of hours with almost unnatural speed and detail. (Unbeknownst to her, however, the brush she uses is touched by Slaanesh. Its bristles come clean after each use with minimal effort and never fray or dull. Those who have had their likenesses painted by it will suffer a curse from the Dark Prince. A week after they are painted, they will begin to lose 1% to their Strength and Toughness each day as their essence is subtly siphoned from their body and into the painting itself. While this imbues the painting with a peculiarly captivating realism, it eventually kills the original subject in a manner often assumed to be an unrelated, withering malady. Those already pledged to Slaanesh, or do so after becoming afflicted with this curse, will recover their lost characteristic scores, but become obsessed with their own perfection painted upon the canvas. They must come to possess it or suffer an insanity point each week if they do not look upon it for at least an hour a day. The curse can be broken by burning the painting or the brush, or any other sufficiently arduous manner the GM sees fit.)

167 -An obelisk of carved white marble overlooks the area. Those with appropriate knowledge will recognize it as an elven waystone. Those who pass an academic knowledge (history) check will know that it is from a bygone era before the founding of the Empire where the elves of Ulthuan ruled the lands. They built many of these waystones to siphon excess magic from the world. They give a +10% bonus to any attempts to channel magic within the area and are often sought out by historians to study or wizards seeking to perform difficult magics.168 -A Dwarf brewhouse stands on the side of the road ahead, looking like a firm mountain rooted into the earth. Dwarf ale is by far the most famous and sought after beverage in the whole of the world. Indeed, entire armies have been known to make a detour to a brewery in order to purchase (or, more normally, acquire by force of arms) a supply of heady Dwarf ale. It is little surprise, therefore, that most Dwarfs go to great lengths to fortify their brewhouses, and are careful to place several barrels of cheap, but highly intoxicating ale, beyond the walls as soon as a marching army enters view. The brewhouse ahead has several such barrels out by the road. Are they expecting trouble? 169 -The party passes a gumpy-looking male dwarf and a middle-aged human woman traveling on the road. They are dressed and provisioned for travel. The woman beseeches the party for directions, saying that they are hopelessly lost while the dwarf insists that he knows right where they are going and stubbornly refuses to engage in asking the party for any kind of help.170 -A spectral figure in the garb of a champion stands guard on the road ahead. This character uses the profile for a ghost with an abnormally high weapon skill of 65. It challenges any who approach it, and will attack anyone who attempts to pass it on the road. The body it inhabited in life can be found nearby, dressed in the same arms and armor of its spectral form. Among its personal effects is a written set of orders for him to guard this road with its life. It is clear his spirit lingers out of an obligation to fulfill its duty, and seems oblivious that he is dead. Should the party wish to conclude this encounter peacefully, they can convince the spirit he has perished and his duty has been fulfilled, but due to his denial, it will count as a very hard -30% test. Alternatively, if a member of the party could convince the spirit that they have the authority to relieve him, it will peacefully pass on to Morr’s Realm. This option would incur only a -20% to -10% penalty depending on the convincingness of their argument. The question would still remain, who was this champion, who ordered him to guard this road, why, and how did he perish?171 -There is a drunk fisherman on a barge you are traveling, who is nagging people. Suddenly, the hand of a river troll grabs onto him from the water and yanks him under. There is little doubt it will be back to attack the rest of the barge.

172 -A massive herd of livestock covers the road ahead resembling a sea of braying fur and horns. In the distance a few shepherds can be seen ushering the animals along, but such is the amount of the creatures, it will take several minutes for them to all pass. The party can attempt to wade through the herd, but must take agility tests to make any progress in walking against the tide of them. It wouldn’t take much to startle the docile creatures and trigger a stampede.173 - In the distance off the beaten path stands a lone, tall tower. A difficult common knowledge (Empire), easy Academic Knowledge (arcane) or other suitable check will reveal that it might be a wizard’s tower. Of course, those with witchsight can test to verify the suspicion with a sense magic or perception test. A success reveals to them that the winds of magic are indeed drawn to the tower. While Wizards are usually not gracious hosts, the owner might be convinced to offer the party shelter in exchange for a task. Of course, for the less scrupulous adventurer, there is no doubt that the tower houses many powerful and valuable artifacts…174 -A sudden feeling of shock and unease stabs every member of the party. Nearby birds take flight in a startled, noisy cacophony that quickly fades away leaving behind an eerie stillness. While the mundane merely suffer this feeling of unease and can smell a faint scent of ozone, those with magical sense know without a doubt that one of the forbidden spells was cast within five miles of their current position. (reference: Realms of Sorcery pages 142-149. The spell could have been “The Animus Imprisoned”, “Life’s End”, “Wind of Death”, “Conflagration of Doom”, “Fate of Doom” or an original spell of the GM’s design that is sufficiently powerful to disturb the aether). Depending on their allegiances and disposition, they might be duty-bound to investigate. Who cast it and why?175 - A trio of pistoliers come galloping down the road towards the party, whooping and shouting like rakes out on the town. If on foot, the party might even need to dodge out of their way with an agility check. If at least one member of the party has a mount, the trio will stop and challenge said member to a horse race, or a similar contest of horseback riding skill. Should any character in the party feel so inclined, they may instead issue a different challenge with a persuasion check. There are few challenges these young noble upstarts will refuse, and the persuasion test needed to convince them to accept a different challenge should count as easy, or very easy if there are any females in the party for the pistoliers to show off for. 176 - The side of the road is marked with piles of dirt and freshly dug holes. Should the party investigate, they will find a graverobber still actively digging in one. If confronted, the man will claim to be in possession of a map showing the unmarked grave of a noble warrior who fell in battle and was buried somewhere in this area. He claims to have the altruistic goal of finding the remains and returning them to a proper grave, but is actually seeking the magical artifacts rumored to have been buried with the body.

177 - A procession of grail pilgrims is traveling the same road as the party in the opposite direction. They are ceremoniously holding aloft a ramshackle effigy of a horse made from scraps of wood and several rotting remains of an actual Brettonian Destrier. Strapped to the horse-effigy is a severely wounded grail knight rendered barely able to speak beyond a raspy whisper due to his injury. Those with a relevant knowledge check (Bretonnia, Theology) will recognize this makeshift display to be a Grail Reliquae, a shrine of devotion to the Lady of the Lake. However, they will also know that the remains of the grail knight used for such a purpose are exclusively ones who have perished, but this knight is clearly still alive. It appears his fanatical processions of pilgrims are ignorant that he still lives. He could possibly be saved with the appropriate medical care, but the pilgrims will aggressively fend off anyone from touching their precious Reliquae unless they are also a pilgrim, grail knight or other appropriate class that the pilgrims would revere. They could be convinced non violently, but with a -30 modifier to any attempt to persuade them.

178 -A dwarf warrior tracks down the party. One of the player characters (chosen at random, or by the GM should there be a character in particular this would be most appropriate for) is a descendent of someone the dwarf’s late father owed a debt of honor to, and he now seeks to repay it. Exactly how is open to interpretation, but he refuses to leave the party until it is settled. His unpleasant demeanor and boisterous personality attract unwanted attention and generally make him a nuisance to have around, motivating the party to try to convince him the debt is paid as soon as possible one way or another. If the GM deems it appropriate, the dwarf can even serve as a secret fate point, heroically saving the character as needed, at which point he will be satisfied that the debt of honor his ancestor owed has been repaid.

179 -A dwarf warrior tracks down the party. One of the player characters (chosen at random or by the GM should there be a character in particular this would be appropriate for) is a descendent of someone who wronged the dwarf’s late father, and he now seeks to make them pay for the grudge in a duel. Should the player character accept, the dwarf will seek only to strike a grievous wound, but not quite maim or kill the character. If he succeeds, he will call the grudge settled and leave. If the player character refuses, the dwarf will instead hound the party relentlessly until they agree. The dwarf will not seek to overtly goad the player’s character into fighting him in a way that would possibly dishonor himself, such as stealing or assaulting others. Nor will the dwarf attack the character without them first consenting to the duel. He will, however, take every opportunity to be a massive, obtuse nuisance to the party until the grudge is sated.

180 - In the distance, a small tower stands over the horizon. Before the party is close enough to get a good look at the base of the tower however, the structure suddenly begins to fold in upon itself. The battlements and stone walls fold in on each other like a creased paper, shrinking the architecture towards the ground. By the time the party arrives at where the tower stood, there is merely a large clearing where it sat mere moments ago. A challenging Academic knowledge (Arcane) check will instantly match the curious sight to one of the fabled “Folding Fortresses” created by the wizard architect, Fozzrik. True to legend, the structure could fold up to the size and weight of a small chest to transport, or unfold to a tower on command. Someone just packed it up here, but why and where did they go?

181 -After falling off the beaten path, the party comes upon a prominent hill topped with a large anvil that appears to be made of the very stone that comprises the hill. Those with witch sight can see Magic emanating from the anvil, and seeping towards any weapon that is within 6 yards of it. Said weapons within 6 yards are imbued with the magical attacks and flaming attacks special rules, should they be used within that proximity. A challenging common knowledge (elves), a difficult academic knowledge (arcane) or a very difficult academic knowledge (history or theology) check will identify this as one of the fabled Vaul’s anvils, that is said to have been raised by the Elven god millenia ago. The anvil itself cannot be moved, as it is part of the rock rooting it to the ground, but counts as a best-quality anvil, and if used as part of an appropriate trade skill check (smith, weapon smith) grants a +10% bonus to the check. If the skill check is successful with 2 degrees of success, the created item is of one quality higher than normal. If it is of three degrees of success, it will imbue a weapon created this way with the magical attacks special rule. Even if it is not of use to the party, many scholars, and especially elven scholars, would no doubt be very interested in learning the location of this Anvil.

182 -The route ahead is a steep hill covered in scree, a carpet of loose shards of splintered rock. The scree counts as difficult terrain, and anyone attempting to navigate this area must pass an agility test or slip on the loose stones and tumble onto them. They become prone and take 1d3 Strength 3 hits as they slip and fall on the jagged rocks. They can move at half speed to make the agility test easy. Running makes the agility test very hard. Safely crossing the slope is slow going but manageable, the real worry should be potential ambushes, these scree slopes are perfect for trapping unwitting victims.

183 -A hill ahead is crowned with ruins. There are many unholy sites dedicated to the worship of the Chaos Gods and this is but one of them. Ruin and war may have laid it to waste, scattered its trophies and tumbled its grim statues, but the gazes of the Dark Gods still rest upon its battered stones, hungrily seeking a new champion to bend to their perverse amusem*nts. Any god-fearing character here will feel an oppressive sense of unease, fear and doom, but a curious sense of power that could be potentially seized by the ambitious. An appropriate knowledge check (history, the empire, theology, chaos) will identify this place as a ruined temple to the dark gods of chaos. Those with appropriate magic or divine ability to bless may attempt to cleanse the site, but must pass a difficult WP check upon doing so or suffer 1d6 insanity points as the power of the vengeful gods dissipate from the ground and attempt to punish them for severing their grasp on these ruins. However, should a character feel so inclined, they can instead choose to embrace the power here. If they do so, roll a d6. On a 1 the chaos gods instead immediately suck their soul into the realm of chaos, killing them. If they use a fate point to avoid death, they immediately take 6 insanity points from the harrowing event. On the result of a 2-6, however, they are blessed with a gift from the dark gods. One of their characteristics, chosen at random, is increased by 10+2d10% and they receive a mild, cosmetic mutation also chosen at random.

184 - The party passes three gibbet cages hanging from trees or scaffolding. One has a skeleton and a sign reading “Murderer” to indicate the deceased’s crime. The other two have emaciated, but still living occupants, one a man and another a woman. They beseech the party to have mercy and provide them some water or food. They will then try to upsell the party into freeing them, appealing to their mercy and proclaiming their innocence. If questioned about their crimes, they will both claim that they were merely desperate thieves who stole only to remain alive, and that surely the time they’ve spent wasting away in these gibbets is punishment enough. (Neither are thieves, but have had quite a lot of time to jointly concoct a convincing story. A Persuasion skill check with a -30 modifier can yield some inconsistencies in theri story they failed to account for.) The signs on their cages indicating their crimes are notably absent. A search (-20%) test will reveal two signs in the nearby bushes, one also reading “Murderer” and the other “Heretic”. Presumably these are the two criminals’ signs that they managed to pull off of their cages, then toss away to corroborate their plea of being merely thieves. At first they will deny having anything to do with the signs unless convinced by an appealing argument or an appropriate skill check with a -10 modifier. If successful, the two will each change their stories to admit to having committed murder but only under desperate circ*mstances. The woman will say that she was defending herself from a lecherous man’s advances, the man will claim to have merely been in a drunken scuffle where he accidentally shoved another man onto a pitchfork. Both claim the circ*mstances make them innocent and deserving to be freed, but each will accuse the other of being the heretic, the far less forgivable and understandable of the two crimes. Additional skill checks could yield the truth as the GM deems appropriate, or the party can leave the scum to their deserved fate.

185 -The path ahead is crossed by a series of wooden posts arranged in a line. They would feasibly form a fence if they were connected by anything, but they currently present no physical barrier. The posts are adorned with small fetishes and effigies (these can be holy symbols, forbidden charms of chaos or undeath as the GM deems appropriate). An appropriate -20 Common Knowledge check or an -10 Academic Knowledge check will identify this as a ghost fence; a barrier created to keep the supernatural or demonic from crossing. Whether it was erected to keep something in or out is uncertain, but the barrier causes fear in anyone who realizes what it is. 186 - Heidi Higginbottom is a short, plump halfling girl with fiery red hair. She’ll approach the party with a common beggar’s greeting, but a Secret Language (Thieve’s Tongue) or Secret Signs (Thief) will reveal it as a coded inquiry asking if anyone in the party is a thief or worshiper of Ranald. If they answer affirmatively in kind, she will tell them to check in with the shrine to Ranald hidden in the nearby tavern for permission before plying their trade in this area, then bid them farewell, all in the same coded speech. If they fail to answer, she will carry on with her facade of begging, spinning a particularly sorrowful tale of her woes to prey on the kindness or patience of the party. This is actually a blather test to keep the party distracted from her partner, Illya, an elf stealthily pickpocketing the wealthiest-looking member of the group. If successful, he will steal 1d10 gold and/or 2d10 silver or any item the GM deems appropriate, but will not take copper coins as a point of principle.

The pair is available for hire as professional thieves should the party have any such need, and will be referred to if the party passes a -10 Gossip check in the local area looking for such hirelings.

187 -The party comes to an inn/brothel called the Silken Veil. It is famous, or perhaps infamous, for catering to peculiar tastes. The more popular offerings are prostitutes who convincingly roleplay as notable figures such as countess Emmanuelle of Nuln, Empress Ottilia I of Talabecland, or Karl Franz for those with more masculine tastes. Also on offer are dwarfs, halflings, a pair of elven twins (one male, one female. They charge quadruple the normal rates for both quality and quantity), “goblins” (just halfling women with green skin paint and teeth filed to points.), and an ogre named Gertrude. More exotic tastes can be catered to with sufficient notice and payment to be negotiated. Any characters that utilize the “services” on offer must roll a 1d4. On a result of a 1, they contract Kruts.

Naturally, the party might suspect a Slaaneshi cult presence in such a lurid establishment. If they seek to investigate these suspicions, either to stamp out the corruption or to perhaps join it, they can ask around with a -20 gossip check. If successful, they will be referred to the establishment’s owner, an elderly woman named Madame Erotik whose days of beauty are long behind her but still desperately clings to the illusion with heavy makeup. The party must take persuade test with a secret -30 modifier to convince her to direct them to the cult’s location. This test can be modified at the GM’s discretion, as appropriate. For instance, if the party shows they have stigmata linking them to Slaanesh already. Depending on the results, or whatever the GM feels would be more fun, Madam Erotik could either direct the party to such a cult, or direct them to a secluded place where they will be ambushed by witch hunters. The Madam avoids most meddling from the authorities into her debauched establishment thanks to an arrangement she has with these witch hunters; constantly tricking potential cultists right into their trap. Of course, some of those she sends into their clutches are simply duped fools, rivals or threats to her actual cult connections.

188 -The party is greeted by a young, handsome, laypriest of Shallya. An appropriate Knowledge check will reveal that while priestesses are far more common in that religion, male priests are not unheard of. Often they are encouraged to travel rather than reside in a temple where they might prove an unnecessary distraction for the young priestesses. As he is armed only with a quarterstaff and adheres strictly to a vow of not killing, he requests an escort from the party to his next destination. While unable to work miracles, the priest is still very adept at healing injuries through conventional means, and there might be some reward for seeing him safely to his destination.189 -The party hears frantic shouts for help from deeper in the woods. Upon investigation, they find a man in somewhat urban attire being accosted by several ungors lead by a gor with a broken horn. The man was attempting to journey far into the wilderness from his town to leave an offering to Taal and Morr in honor of the impending birth of his first child, and quickly found himself out of his depth. If he survives this harrowing event, it will no doubt hound him as a bad omen for his coming fatherhood.190 -A beggar asks the party for food or alms. His right arm is up in a sling and heavily bandaged. A -30 perception test or a heal check will note that it’s not done so in a way conducive for healing. The beggar is very evasive about the nature of the injury and refuses any attempt to care for it. If the bandaging is removed, it will reveal a tattoo for a nearby state troop regiment, indicating this man is most likely a deserter.

191 - The party stumbles upon a skaven clanrat toting a large sack over its shoulder. Upon noticing the party, it immediately screams “Mine!” and flees. Any dutiful player character would no doubt chase it down, but if they need convincing, the sack the skaven carries appears to be stuffed to the brim with valuables. However, if they slay the skaven and recover its loot, having a bunch of stolen valuables on hand with a flimsy story that they recovered it from a rat of unusual size might put the party in some unwelcome trouble.

192 -The party comes across a group of a dozen orcs and goblins looting the remains of a wagon, its driver and a meager security detail. Crates strewn about the area mark the goods as belonging to a Mason’s guild in a nearby town. However, the orcs appear to be squabbling over a small chest yanked from a hidden compartment from one of the smashed wheels of the wagon; a smugglers compartment.193 -The party comes across a large group of skaven. A warlock engineer and his entourage of 4 stormvermin and 6 skirmishers along with 6 slaves armed with shovels, picks and other digging equipment. The engineer is holding a small brass box with several wires and antennae blistering its surface, and a tiny, glowing lamp poking out the top of it. The device is emitting a clicking sound that intensifies as the engineer sweeps it in a particular direction, apparently using it to home in on something. If recovered by the party, and after some intuition, appropriate knowledge checks, or clever trial and error, it will become apparent that the device detects warpstone. Its little lamp glows brighter and the clicking sound becomes more intense the closer the device is to the substance, though it has a range limited to 30 yards and can give false readings in the presence of magic.

194 -A shrill cackle pieces the air, followed by a whoosh and a loud thunk of something impacting the ground in the near-distance. A perception check will allow the party to have gotten a sufficient glimpse to see that the source was a goblin flying through the air with a crudely constructed set of leathery, bat-like wings. A Common Knowledge (orcs and goblins) check will identify this as a doom diver, goblins launched from rudimentary war machines to glide to the ground, either to function as guided missiles or as scouts given the surprising, but still usually very slim, chances for the greenskins to survive impact. This must mean orc or goblins or perhaps both are nearby enough to launch the doom diver, and if he survived the impact, he’ll no doubt report the party’s wearabouts to his fellow greenskins.

195 -The party comes across a small group of ill-armed women (two younger ladies hardly 16 and a woman of about middle age armed with pitchforks and shovels and crude makeshift clubs) being led by a laypriestess of Sigmar armed with medium armor and a greathammer. The priestess asks the party if they have seen any sign of greenskins nearby. If so, they depart in the direction indicated. Investigating with some appropriate speech checks or passing an appropriate knowledge check (such as Empire or theology) will reveal that this is a small sect of “Those left behind,” an order of female warriors composed of women who have lost menfolk family to greenskin attacks. The order members take Sigmar in place of the relatives they have lost, and so describe themselves as daughters, brides, sisters, or even mothers of Sigmar. Thethree ill-equipped women are recent additions after greenskins burnt down their farm and killed the father in their family. The priestess has a similarly depressing story but refuses to share it with strangers.

196 -A tavern ahead is alive with cheery music and a raucous cacophony of noise. Upon entering, the party finds the place to be in a complete anarchy of a tavern brawl. Dwarfen slayers, off duty watchmen, Kislevite mercenaries and all matter of other ruffians swing their fists in an indiscriminate melee while a group of minstrels play merrily from the safety of the balcony. The Barkeep and his bouncers lay into the unruly crowd to restore some semblance of order.

While the party might be tempted to immediately join the revelous ruckus or attempt to quell it, passing a secret perception check will allow them to notice three individuals not engaging in the wanton violence, but fighting for possession of a small scroll tube. A square jawed human with a rough week-old beard and leather jerkin, a toothless, dirty vagabond in a dirty traveling cloak, and an old but still rather toned and muscular man with a bushy grey beard. Each one that manages to wrest it from the others attempts to flee, weaving through the other fighting patrons before the other two head them off or otherwise take advantage of the anarchy to snatch it back.

197 -As night falls, an eerie screech echoes from deep within the woods. It sounds again at random intervals and from random directions. The sound is unnerving, requiring willpower checks to avoid becoming frightened, and the repetition and volume makes it difficult to sleep, requiring anyone attempting to do so to fail a perception check or remain awake. Those with appropriate knowledge, such as outdoor survival, will not be able to identify any creature that would make such a sound. A very hard perception check will allow a character to notice humanoid shapes in the darkness.

The culprits are wood elf followers of Loec, reveling in frightening, or at the very least annoying, the party. They are producing the screeching sounds by blowing into uniquely carved Gor-horn horns, hence their unidentifiable sound. Should the party attempt to investigate the woods, the elves will stay out of sight but continue to harass with their screeching horns. Should the party identify the elves, they could possibly call out to them and convince them to cease their game.

198 -Jonathan Grünerdaumen is a halfling fieldwarden who keeps watch of his brother’s farm perimeter. He’s old for such a profession, having served as a scout for the Imperial army in his younger years, and now plies his learned skill with a sling to deter trespassers, vegetable thieves and rodents from pillaging his brother’s farm. The party might come across him lounging in a tree, carving small wooden dolls from wood as he maintains vigil over the short cobblestone wall surrounding his brother’s farm. He is known to always be whittling away, even when in conversation, giving him an aloof, nonchalant demeanor. If anyone attempts to hop the wall, Jonathan will casually insist they go around. Repeated refusal to cease trespassing will eventually move him reluctantly to attack with his sling.

199 - A decent-sized Monastery of Verena lies ahead. The monks provide shelter for passing travelers, and a hearty breakfast of porridge in exchange for a small donation of 5p or some other comparable offering. More generous donations such as gold or rare literature might grant someone more favors such as the services of one of the monks as a scribe or even a blessing from their Abbot. The monastery has a sizable library in which guests are permitted entry, under the careful supervision of a purple-robed temple guardian. (The GM is encouraged to reward use of the library with EXP, planting of plot hooks, or a book on specific information the party happens to be seeking, although said book could be mysteriously absent to thicken the plot)200 -A farm with a large barn lies ahead. The barn is alive with raucous merrymaking as the “Swooping Swallow has nested here”, as the locals present say. The Swooping Swallow is the name of a “flying inn” or traveling tavern that sets up in a different location every week, making use of the empty barns in a string of villages before harvest time begins and the barn space will be needed. Several illegal goods can be purchased from the bartender with a sufficient persuasion test. The fact the tavern is constantly moving locations makes it easier to hide from authorities who might object to such things.

201 -The path ahead is obscured by a thicket of spiky bushes. A routine survival check or a hard perception check will note the presence of some poisonous creatures. (snakes, scorpions, or spiders as appropriate) The party can wade through the thicket, counting it as difficult terrain, but risk being stung or bitten. (suffering the effect of an appropriate poison or merely 1d3 wounds unless they pass a toughness check) However, those with appropriate skills could make use of some of these poisons for themselves.

202 -The party is passed by a rotund but muscular fellow. He wears the robes of a scholar, and is clutching a satchel full of thick tomes, but a perception check will note he has a sword and several other weapons hidden on his person. He will greet the party with a friendly greeting, and make the sign of the Verenan scales if any member is an obvious member of the cult of Verena. He insists on making some small, polite conversation with the party, but at some point whispers to them that he is a Verenan investigator and is being pursued by someone seeking to steal important tomes in his possession. He will ask the party to tell anyone who asks that he is traveling North with copies of historical tomes to distribute to libraries in the nearby city. He then departs, making a show of being carefree and jovial as a cover as he walks away.

Shortly afterwards, the party is approached by a tall, grim man sporting the telltale tall buckled hat of the witch hunters. He identifies himself as such and demands to know if they’ve seen a man matching the description of the investigator.

203 -The party is approached by a grizzled man with the scars and cauliflower ears of a brawler. He propositions the more martial members of the group to come compete in his underground pit fight circle. Fights to the death aren’t exactly legal in most places, but the cash prize for participating and surviving is quite hefty, with the promise of more lucrative payouts if they agree to come to subsequent fights.

(This pitfight is a front for a Khornite cult. The first few fights to the death have the trappings of a simple high-stakes illegal fighting ring, but subsequent events will have more and more overt signs of being ritual trials for the Blood God that slowly corrupt the combatants with his bloodlust with each victory.)

204 -The party comes across a stage coach overturned on the side of the road. A massive Ogre is hunched over the carcass of the horse, noisily devouring it. Upon noticing the party, he hurriedly stands up and makes an effort of wiping the worst of the viscera from his mouth and paunch. This is merely a gesture to make himself somewhat presentable to the squeamish humans or elves in the party rather than hide the fact he’s eating the horse, as he nonchalantly continues to munch on a bloody horse haunch as he talks with the party. He declares that he came upon the coach in this condition with the horse dead from whatever incident flipped the coach off the road. It has been three whole days since his last meal, so he simply helped himself to the carcass. It was dead already, and the drivers and passengers weren’t around to object to his desperate, if delicious, meal. He says he has no knowledge of the whereabouts of the driver or passengers.205 -The party happens upon the outskirts of a fearsome battle between several Empire regiments and greenskin warbands! While the fiercest fighting of the frontlines have moved far away, the din of warcries, weapons on armor and bark of cannon and musketfire can still be heard like the thunder of a distant storm. In the more immediate area, the ground is littered with countless bodies of human soldiers and orcs and goblins alike, along with horses and wolves and boars favored by the greenskins. Naturally, the party might want to leave, but there are opportunities here for the greedy, patriotic or treacherous. (the GM is encouraged to use one or all of the following as they deem fit)

A group of shadowy hooded men can be see skulking over the corpses, looting them for valuables. If they deem the party a threat, they might flee or try to make them more corpses to rob. If they see that the party is looting, the looters will declare half of the battlefield their half and permit the party to continue unmolested, assuming they stay to this ad hoc agreement.

A small group of chirogens in the white robes of Shallyans are scouring the field for any wounded. A young Priestess among them with eyes dark from a week of sleeplessness tends to the most grevious, casting healing miracles on those she can help, or soothing the passing of those she cannot, while the her mundane companions do what they can for the rest, mostly bandaging, transporting and amputations.

A group of ghouls or other such flesh-eating predators like beastment or trolls is skulking in the treeline, dragging corpses away to consume.

There is a sudden tinge of ozone in the air. A powerful wizard is casting a mighty spell within the thick of the distant melee. Any members of the party with the ability can help channel more magic to the distant caster, or dispel it with appropriate checks. The spell the wizard is casting has a cast score of 16 and will attempt it with 3 dice, plus whatever results the party added. If it succeeds, the party is treated to watching a massive comet or flaming skull plow through the enemy’s lines. If the wizard miscasted, they explode in a aethric shockwave, sending the wizard’s army’s formations into disarray. (A similar encounter with a greenskin shaman is encouraged)

A group of 12 goblins being led by an Orc limping on a peg leg can be seen approaching. They appear to be trying to slip around the flank of the Empire army for a surprise attack.

206 -There is a large crowd of peasants and other commoners gathered ahead. A priest of Sigmar is conducting a witch-burning of several convicts tied to stakes. He is currently pontificating to the crowd on the accused’s heresy before setting them alight. A player character with a successful detect magic check or witch sight will reveal at least one of the victims has the capacity for magic, but it is unfocused and undisciplined, a hedge wizard. If they succeed with 2 or more degrees of success, they will also note another presence in the crowd. Like the person about to be burned, this individual is also versed in hedgecraft, but is far more refined and in control of their power. A conspirator seeking to rescue their fellow hedge wizard? Or something more nefarious?

207 - A High Elf Envoy with a small retinue of elven bodyguards is traveling the same path as the party. He suggests they travel together as there is safety in numbers. However, a hard common knowledge (Elves) check will note that he seems off for a High elf. A small clip of his accent or uncharacteristically dark hair or some other telling detail will reveal he is actually a Dark elf. He and his retinue are carrying on the age-old tactic of disguising as their nobler kin, in this case to trick unwary travelers into becoming easy prey for the rest of his Slaver Corsairs hiding in ambush up ahead. The enterprising Dark Elves have a shallow-draft vessel hidden in a nearby river and have traveled this far inland in hopes of capturing potential slaves unique from the typical coast-dwelling stock they typically prey upon.

d1000 random WFRP encounters (2024)
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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.